Dog Names

Does your dog have a silly looking face? Seriously! This will affect what you name him. If you just brought home a pooch and are experiencing a total brain-block when it comes to naming him, take a look at our extensive list of original dog names. We offer many categories to choose from, so you can find the perfect dog name. From common, to unique, or just plain cute, we've got it all! Even if you've already named your dog, you can help others by submitting your own name ideas.
No matter which name you choose, make sure you have fun in the process. Each dog name listed here includes its meaning and a list of breed recommendations. Save your favorites to view later and please rank or comment on a few so everyone can hear your opinion. Then after you have found the perfect name for your little girl or boy, please upload a photo of your pooch so we can put a name to a face! Good luck and happy naming!