Mexican Dog Names

Mexican dog names are becoming more and more popular due to the popularity of Mexican dog breeds. Chihuahuas are very popular, and often receive short and diminutive names that fit their small size. Mexican Hairless Dogs, also known as Xoloitzcuintles or Xolos, are often given exotic names that suite their lack of allergenic hair. Of course, Chihuahuas and Xolos aren't the only dogs who can have Mexican names.
Whether you have Mexican heritage or just like the food, there are plenty of fun Mexican dog names to choose from. You can choose a name that reminds you of a favorite vacation, or just pick something simple and easy to spell. Depending on where you live, Mexican dog names may be very popular or extremely unusual. There are plenty of tried and true names that are traditionally given to dogs, and some beautiful ones that are usually considered to be people-names. Mexican dog names are usually short and easy to use when training your dog.