
  • Meaning of Bandit:
  • Category: Funny
Average: 3.9 (93 votes)

Dogs Named Bandit



I just lost my Bandit unexpectedly. He was a 15 and a half year old Miniature Schnauzer. He was my best friend. I'll never forget him.

Lisa Rowland

Never forget what a good life he had with you. Our Spike died a few weeks ago at age 9 of cancer. We will never forget him, and we will never have another dog that smart and perfect. We just got another pup, and there is life again back in this house! Best wishes to you, and I am so sorry about your Bandit! I actually want to name our new guy Bandit, which is how I came across this. What a cool name. Your Bandit must have been a great companion. We will love our dogs forever, even when they can't be with us anymore. I know how you feel and I am so sorry for you! Dogs are such good pals to us!!


Hi Lisa - Thank you for the kind words. The house has been awfully quiet since Bandit passed in August, 2010. I'll eventually have another Schnauzer, but for the time being Bandit's memory will keep me company through the coming winter.

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