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Dogs Named Bailey

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ihave a westie named bailey. we love him and its a very cute name that fits him well.


getting a black Chihuahua and naming him bailey!

Abigail Jayde

We have a Cocker Spaniel Called Bailey and I luv him 2 bits he's only 2 and we got him from a dog rescue place.


i have a chihuahua her name was tiny when i first got her but i named her baily after my black labadore


I had a dog named bailey but she died on september 10, 2010 and we miss her very much


i have a dog named bailey and she is getting old and we are getting a brittany spaniel in april or may


i had a dog named bailey.she was the best dog ever. she was a great peranease irish wolfhound mix from a rescue shelter.


my dog bailey died june 30 2010 at age 6

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